Contrast | St. Kilda
“This piece shows the contrast between the super controlled, neat, perfect line work of Luke Presto and my wild, lose, controlled chaos bursting up the wall.”
This piece is called Contrast.
It is a collaboration that shows the contrast between the super controlled, neat, perfect line work of Luke Presto who did the lettering and my wild, lose, controlled chaos bursting up the wall. My section is painted with fire extinguishers, weed sprayers and rollers.
The reason we chose the word contrast (apart from the obvious stylistic juxtaposition) is the location. This building is situated on Grey Street, St Kilda. An area renowned for drug addiction and prostitution. These new buildings seem to pop up overnight with not much thought for design, liveability and longevity, let alone for the areas in which they appear.
So we thought it would be ironic to highlight the contrast between those building and profiting from such projects, to the cubicle working and soon to be cubical dwelling yuppies that buy them and the ever widening gap/contrast between the builders/owners and those who have fallen through the cracks. We had many interesting conversations with trans, transient, trashed, tricking types while painting this wall.
Image captured by P1xels